John Sisk & Son is reopening construction sites that were closed due to Covid-19 in line with Government guidance as set out in the Roadmap for Reopening Society & Business.
At all times, our primary concern is the health, safety and wellbeing of our staff, supply chain partners, clients and the wider community in which we operate. We are beginning to return to work on a gradual and phased basis, managing the numbers of people coming to our sites very closely and ensuring everyone knows what is expected of them.
All our sites will be working in accordance with the CIF Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) developed to keep people safe and the National Protocol for returning to work. We are pleased to have been part of the team responsible for developing this new SOP.
Everybody returning to work will have completed Covid 19 training before commencing work on our sites. This is just one of the ways we are ensuring that all our people are aware of the need to follow the new operating procedures in order to stay safe.