Monday 19th July 2021: John Sisk & Son is proud to announce that it will use Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) as an alternative to gas oil across all new projects in the UK from 1st September 2021, following a successful trial of the greener fuel supply last year.
In 2020, Sisk became the first construction business in the UK to utilise the sustainable HVO fuel, trialling its use on the Sisk UK Civils Northstowe project for Homes England. Sisk used circa 800,000 litres of Green D+ HVO on its operated plant in Northstowe, and in the year since the trial began, Sisk has been monitoring its effectiveness and planning how to roll it out across the business efficiently and successfully in alignment with our values. This trial proved successful and demonstrated the ability to use this carbon reducing strategy effectively at scale.
Sisk Chief Operating Officer (COO) for the UK and Civils Paul Brown said: “This is a major strategic step change, to stop using a fossil fuel that has been at the core of our business, and it will positively impact our carbon performance immediately. Our Sustainability Roadmap, Building today, Caring for tomorrow, sets ambitious carbon reduction targets for us in our journey to carbon neutrality by 2030 and this is another important milestone on the journey.
“This agreement will help us hit our carbon reduction targets in our Roadmap with a potential saving of 22% once all the company is using this fuel and another 21% when we get our subcontractors on board. We will continue to monitor new technologies and innovation to ensure we are at the forefront of clean and efficient sustainable solutions.”
Sisk has now entered a framework agreement with Green Biofuels Ltd in the UK to supply Sisk with Green D+ HVO. The greener fuel will be used on all new and live projects from September, and the transition will include the deployment of smart tanks which will be monitored in real time to record fuel use accurately.
Sisk will look to mandate the use of Green D+ HVO across all its businesses throughout 2021 and 2022, and the company will develop a robust plan to expand its use through Sisk’s supply chain, starting with engaging with the supply chain in the coming weeks. The group is also working on agreeing a similar supply agreement in Ireland and Europe in the coming months.
In making this change, Sisk will cut carbon and harmful air emissions by using low emission high performance fuel. The framework agreement will see Green Biofuels supply Green D+ HVO, which is certified under the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification Scheme and exclusively generated from waste or secondary renewal sourced material.